Memphis Friends Meeting

A warm welcome from the Memphis Friends Meeting (Quakers)

Who We Are​

The Memphis Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is an unprogrammed, non-pastoral Quaker Meeting.

Unprogrammed worship is silent worship. We enter the meeting room silently. Our first task when worship begins is to center down, to still the clamor of the world, to turn our attention to the inner voice.

The best way to find out if silent, or unprogrammed, worship speaks to your condition is to experience it. Everyone is welcome! We affirm and acknowledge the wholeness of all people, including their gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.

Our Quaker umbrella organizations are The Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association (SAYMA) and the Friends General Conference (FGC).

Where We Are​

3387 Walnut Grove Rd.
MemphisTN 38111
Corner of Walnut Grove Rd and Prescott, behind the Poplar Plaza Kroger, and next door to the Prescott St. post office.
Parking available on Prescott.
All bathrooms are single-occupancy gender-neutral.

Memphis Friends Meeting is situated on the land of the Chickasaw, a land visited and used by many Native peoples in ancient times and a land revisited by Chickasaw members in 1994 in a ceremonial homecoming to reclaim this homeland where their heart and soul still reside, though they have established major societies elsewhere in this country.

When We Meet

11 am
Worship (In-person and Zoom)
Worship (Zoom only)
2nd Wed
7 pm
Worship (in-person)

To request a passcode for online worship attendance, contact

Other Regular Meetings

2nd Sunday
9:30 am
3rd & 4th Sundays
9:30 am

What's New

  • Read more about July MFM News – A Sampling

    Rediscovering Friends by Mary Jane My first encounter with Quaker meeting was in London. I remember the stillness, the plain woodenbenches and the plain glass windows looking out into Covent Gardens. Having been raised in an Evangelical tradition, I was surprised how well the quiet suited me but when I got home, I resumed worship…

  • Read more about In Remembrance of Kate

    On Wednesday, July 10, Kate Chilton’s friends and family will gather at the meetinghouse beginning at 6:00 pm central, with worship beginning at 6:30 and tea service at 7:30. For those unable to come in person, Zoom access will be available (to request access information, please email Below is the wonderful obituary written by…

  • Read more about June MFM News – A Sampling

    Finding Friends By Kent  One day when I was about 7, I asked my mother if she thought people who didn’t worship the way we did would really go to hell. She answered by asking, “What do you think,” and I simply said “No, they don’t.” It didn’t make sense that God would love some people and not others, no…