
Thee Quaker Podcast brings stories of spiritual courage to your ears by way of Jon Watts and Georgia Sparling. Whether you are a lifelong Quaker, seeking a spiritual home, or simply passing by out of curiosity, we know you will find something that speaks to you in this podcast feed every week (new episodes drop on Wednesday). This podcast was the 2023 winner of the Associated Church Press “Best Audio Series.”

Quakers Today features writers, musicians, and thinkers who are seeking wisdom and understanding in a rapidly changing world. We do not pretend to have all the answers. Instead we have a place where you can hear people speak from the heart, grapple with faith, and share the insights they have found along the way. It is also a place where you will have the opportunity to share your own insights, reflections, and questions. Hosted by Peterson Toscano, Quakers Today is a project of Friends Publishing Corporation.

Carrie Newcomer and Parker Palmer, two Friends who are well-known outside Quaker circles, have recently begun a monthly podcast, The Growing Edge.

The first Question of the Month featured on the podcast was: “As we look toward our own growing edges—especially in hard times—many of us find ourselves torn between hope and hopelessness. How do you understand ‘hope?’ What have you learned about holding on to hope even when things seem hopeless? Or do you agree with folks who say that hope can be an obstacle to dealing with the present moment?”

The Seed is hosted by Dwight Dunston. For almost a century, Pendle Hill has welcomed Quakers and other seekers into our living experiment in spiritual learning community, weaving together themes of faith and practice, prophetic witness, and creative exploration. Today, the podcast invites listeners around the world to join our conversations, exploring together visions of the world growing up through the cracks in our broken systems.