The passage used to open the June business meeting was from Basics of Conducting a Quaker Business Meeting:
Whenever we remember that we are in the presence of God, transformation is possible. Every task, no matter how mundane, becomes an act of worship, a word of praise offered to God. This is the basis for Quaker business practice. We call it ‘meeting for worship with attention to business’ because it is grounded in an awareness of God’s presence… Don’t be lulled into thinking that you are there to get the job done and can dispense with the worship. Hold the work of the meeting in the Light. Listen deeply and speak tenderly. Begin with worship, end with worship; and call for worship whenever tempers fray or weariness sets in.
The business meeting ran long. A Friend asked that we use the few minutes remaining until the start of worship to remain centered and silent and to carry the business forwrad into silent worship.
Photo Credit: Joanne, 2012 (from the children’s butterfly garden)