The query offered at business meeting and meeting for worship on 9/10 was how we nourish our friendships so that they deepen over time.
At business meeting, plans were shared for Thanksgiving baskets this year. New Tyler AME has arranged to receive turkeys and hams for the 100 or so friends who frequent the church’s food pantry. On behalf of the meeting, Robin has committed for our meeting to gathering food basket items for 20 food baskets to complement the meat items. Here is a shopping list of the requested basket items:
- 2-3 cans of vegetables (corn, peas, or green beans)
- 1 large can of fruit (peaches in particular, but fruit cocktail is popular too)
- 1 package stuffing mix
- 1 -2 packages gravy mix
- 1- large can of sweet potatoes/yams or box of instant mashed potatoes
- 1 cake mix
- 1 can cake icing
- $10 grocery card to Kroger or Aldi
The most important basket item is a Thanksgiving card – homemade or store-bought. Look for a card-making and card-signing station at the next potluck. If you have any spare cards on hand, please place them in the collections room along with any other basket items.