Month: January 2024

Month: <span>January 2024</span>

Read more about February MFM News – A Sampling

Is There a Quaker Personality? By Khyber  I attended a workshop on using enneagrams for spiritual direction this January and it got me wondering about how personality interacts with belief and faith. The enneagram method is a scientifically tested but ancient way of looking at people through nine personality types. (Ennea is Greek for nine.)…

Read more about Memphis Friends Retreat – April 27-28

Memphis Friends Meeting will focus on community building during the upcoming weekend retreat April 27-28. The retreat will be hybrid and will be facilitated by Dr. Folami Prescott-Adams, a Friend traveling from Atlanta to be with us. Childcare will be available. Donations of $25 are encouraged, but all Friends are welcome with or without donations….

Read more about Online Only – 1/21/2024

Memphis Friends Meeting will meet via Zoom only on 1/21/2024. For access information, please use the contact form or send an email to Wishing you warmth and safety during these cold days!