Read more about A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman
The Memphis Theological Seminary’s Center for Faith and Imagination is sponsoring a no-cost retreat October 30-31 at St. Columba Retreat Center outside Memphis: “A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman” with Dr. Lerita Coleman Brown. Registration is required, with an October 15 deadline. Registrants will receive a free copy of Dr. Brown’s recently published book about Howard Thurman and his…

Read more about Doris’ Ministry of Flowers
Ethel “Doris” Connor, 68, died at home Thursday, June 22, 2023. The last few days of her life were mostly spent sleeping and listening to friends who came to say goodbye. She died a few minutes after some of her deepest friends spoke to her about her beloved children, grandchildren, and her part of the…

Read more about Water Is Life
Sarah Houston, executive director of Protect Our Aquifer, was the guest presenter for the 6/18 meeting for learning. She reviewed the history of POA and its current projects. Friends had many questions. Sarah urged Friends to utilize tools on the POA web site to email MLGW leadership and amplify Memphians’ call for new safer, cooling…

Read more about No Such Difference
The passage shared by Co-Clerk Kelly on the Father’s Day meeting for worship was from Margaret Fell, sometimes referred to as “the Mother of Quakerism”: God hath put no such difference between the Male and Female as man would make. Kelly’s query was something along these lines: How do we learn from the wisdom of…

Read more about Acts of Worship
The passage used to open the June business meeting was from Basics of Conducting a Quaker Business Meeting: Whenever we remember that we are in the presence of God, transformation is possible. Every task, no matter how mundane, becomes an act of worship, a word of praise offered to God. This is the basis for Quaker…