

Read more about July MFM News – A Sampling

Rediscovering Friends by Mary Jane My first encounter with Quaker meeting was in London. I remember the stillness, the plain woodenbenches and the plain glass windows looking out into Covent Gardens. Having been raised in an Evangelical tradition, I was surprised how well the quiet suited me but when I got home, I resumed worship…

Read more about June MFM News – A Sampling

Finding Friends By Kent  One day when I was about 7, I asked my mother if she thought people who didn’t worship the way we did would really go to hell. She answered by asking, “What do you think,” and I simply said “No, they don’t.” It didn’t make sense that God would love some people and not others, no…

Read more about May MFM News – A Sampling

Experiencing the Eclipse Many Memphis Friends traveled over the Mississippi River to Arkansas to view the eclipse while others stayed in Memphis.  Debbie writes, “My husband, one of my friends, and I went to Pocahontas, AR, northwest of Jonesboro. We had a scenic site on the Black River to sit, eat a picnic lunch and…

Read more about April MFM News – A Sampling

Friend Pat Stone Jessup Patricia Stone Jessup passed away in the early hours of March 13. A lifelong Quaker, Pat had attended a Quaker Church in North Carolina as a child and was a faithful attender at our meeting for three decades. In her early days with us she led several seminars that met every…

Read more about March MFM News – A Sampling

Friend Marian Fuson – 1920 to 2024 Marian Fuson passed away on February 7 at her home in the Quaker Kendal Retirement Community in Kennet Square PA. She was 103 years of age. Marian was born to Quaker parents in New Jersey where she attended Moorestown Friends School. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1942…

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