Read more about Online Only – 1/21/2024
Memphis Friends Meeting will meet via Zoom only on 1/21/2024. For access information, please use the contact form or send an email to memphisfriendsmeeting@gmail.com. Wishing you warmth and safety during these cold days!

Read more about No Such Difference
The passage shared by Co-Clerk Kelly on the Father’s Day meeting for worship was from Margaret Fell, sometimes referred to as “the Mother of Quakerism”: God hath put no such difference between the Male and Female as man would make. Kelly’s query was something along these lines: How do we learn from the wisdom of…

Read more about Acts of Worship
The passage used to open the June business meeting was from Basics of Conducting a Quaker Business Meeting: Whenever we remember that we are in the presence of God, transformation is possible. Every task, no matter how mundane, becomes an act of worship, a word of praise offered to God. This is the basis for Quaker…