

Read more about History Is Written in the Land

Ted’s Meeting for Learning on 10/15 was grounded in several queries: How can dwelling in “unsettling places” create conditions for the still small voice to surface?What are the things that haunt us? What forms do these hauntings take?What do our ghosts want from us?Who are the ghosts present in our midst who can support our journeys? In…

Read more about Upcoming FCNL Conference

Registration for FCNL’s annual meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute (November 15-19) is now open online. You may register for one or both events, and you may attend virtually or in person. It’s going to be an inspiring, hopeful and significant event. I hope you’ll join us for all or part of the meeting! Jane Hiles…

Read more about October MFM News – A Sampling

At the August business meeting, the Justice Working Group shared information about the American Friends Service Committee’s ThinkTwice campaign (https://afsc.org/thinktwice). AFSC’s four ThinkTwice webinars, available as recordings on the web site, explore the impact of calling the police within our diverse communities and offer practical suggestions and de-escalation skills. The campaign also invites people to…

Read more about Nourishing Friendships

The query offered at business meeting and meeting for worship on 9/10 was how we nourish our friendships so that they deepen over time. At business meeting, plans were shared for Thanksgiving baskets this year. New Tyler AME has arranged to receive turkeys and hams for the 100 or so friends who frequent the church’s…

Read more about A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman

The Memphis Theological Seminary’s Center for Faith and Imagination is sponsoring a no-cost retreat October 30-31 at St. Columba Retreat Center outside Memphis: “A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman” with Dr. Lerita Coleman Brown. Registration is required, with an October 15 deadline. Registrants will receive a free copy of Dr. Brown’s recently published book about Howard Thurman and his…

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