Read more about Visit Our Garden June 16!
Memphis Friends’ Meeting, 3387 Walnut Grove Road, (F/N), 1-5pm With appreciation and respect for the Chickasaw people who were stewards of our area long before settlers arrived, the members of the Memphis Quaker Meeting have planted two raised beds in the “Three Sisters” tradition. Many native American groups, including the Chickasaw, used the companion planting…

Read more about Remembering Mark
Recently, at the memorial service for Mark Gilley, Memphis Friends were able to share with Mark’s friends from other parts of his life the news that over the years a few of Mark’s poems had appeared in the MFM newsletter. We also brought smiles to the faces of old friends when we recalled how Mark…

Read more about May MFM News – A Sampling
Experiencing the Eclipse Many Memphis Friends traveled over the Mississippi River to Arkansas to view the eclipse while others stayed in Memphis. Debbie writes, “My husband, one of my friends, and I went to Pocahontas, AR, northwest of Jonesboro. We had a scenic site on the Black River to sit, eat a picnic lunch and…

Read more about April MFM News – A Sampling
Friend Pat Stone Jessup Patricia Stone Jessup passed away in the early hours of March 13. A lifelong Quaker, Pat had attended a Quaker Church in North Carolina as a child and was a faithful attender at our meeting for three decades. In her early days with us she led several seminars that met every…

Read more about Introducing Plain Drain
Our meeting has officially “adopted” a Memphis storm water drain! In an effort to reduce the debris being dumped into our rivers, the City of Memphis Storm Water Program has asked individuals and organizations to adopt and name a storm drain. We answered the call. Our adopted drain is at the corner of Walnut…